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Meet the board

The Health Innovation Partnership is co-chaired by the Dr. Janet Lippett, Chief Medical Officer at the Royal Berkshire and the University of Reading Research Dean for Health, Professor. Carol Wagstaff. They are supported by various stakeholders across our organisations to make the board, that governs the Collaboration Innovation Fund and the Recognition of Excellence Scheme.

Dr. Janet Lippett

Chief Medical Officer
& Co-Chair (RBFT)

Prof. Carol Wagstaff

Research Dean for Agriculture,
Food & Health & Co-Chair (UoR)

Jessica McKean

Strategic Partnerships
Manager (RBFT & UoR)

Sohail Akhtar

Health Innovation Partnership
Facilitator (RBFT & UoR)

Rebecca Cullen

Associate Director of Strategy & Performance (RBFT)

Prof. Atul Kapila

Director of Research
and Innovation (RBFT)

Prof. Daniel Grant

Teaching and Learning
Dean (UoR)

Dr. Jill Ablett

Director of Medical Education

Magda Kosmopoulou

Business Development Manager,
Knowledge Transfer Centre (UoR)

Prof. Phil Dash

Head of Biological
Sciences (UoR)

Elizabeth Flannery

Director of Nursing –
Care Group Board (RBFT)

If you’d like to find out contact details for any of our board members, please get in touch